Texas Sod Grass

Texas Sod Grass 1
Welcome to King Ranch Turfgrass, serving as one of the largest resources for Texas sod for sale. In fact, farming over 13,000 gross acres of turfgrass, King Ranch proudly stands as one of the leading turfgrass suppliers throughout the United States.

Whether you need to install a residential lawn or require beautiful, functional turf for your commercial setting, we invite you to lean on our knowledge and expertise to find the right grass for your purposes. From St. Augustine sod grass in Texas to Buffalograss, Bermuda and Zoysia — we have a selection to fit essentially any need.

Turn to King Ranch Turfgrass for:


You can rely on our team for Zoysia sod grass in Texas. We carry Emerald, Palisades and Zorro Zoysia turfgrasses. Zoysia provides you with that dark, rich green look to complement a healthy, dense turf.


Our St. Augustine sod grass in Texas consists of Common, Floratam, Palmetto and Raleigh varieties. St. Augustine has been a go-to turf grass for a long time here in Texas, enduring the punishing climate while thriving in a variety of soil types.


Explore our Bermuda sod grass in Texas, featuring Celebration, TifSport, Tifway 419 and TifGran varieties. These Bermuda grasses are ideal for commercial settings and sports facilities.


Here is another attractive option for those on the hunt for Texas sod for sale. With its blue-green color and fine texture, Buffalograss has been also used in a variety of commercial settings thanks to its beauty and durability.

King Ranch Turfgrass offers a convenient Turfgrass Selector, which helps pair you with the right grass according to your needs.

If you’re on the search for Texas sod for sale, then you can cover all of your needs right here with King Ranch — from finding the right turf for your needs to ordering it and having it delivered conveniently to your home or commercial facility. Thank you for considering King Ranch Turfgrass.

Contact info

Call 1-888-NEW-GRASS (1-888-639-4727) for details about where to buy the King Ranch Turfgrass varieties that are best suited to your specific applications, or fill out the form. Our staff is ready to assist you with all of your turfgrass needs.