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Grass Type

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Intended Use

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Daily Shade

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Showing 1–6 of 10 results

  • Celebration® Bermuda

    Originally bred in Australia, Celebrationâ„¢ Bermuda grass is highly drought tolerant and quite visually appealing.
  • Bimini Bermuda

    Bimini is a deep green Bermuda grass that has finished best in numerous university research studies for wear tolerance and recovery, drought resistance and tolerance plus frost resistance.
  • Latitude 36 Bermuda

    Latitude 36® Bermudagrass is used on golf courses, sports fields, commercial and residential landscapes due to its cold tolerance and recovery ability.
  • Tifway 419 Bermuda

    Tifway 419 is the most widely used Hybrid Bermudagrass in the South for Golf and Sports fields.
  • CT-2 Bermuda

    CT-2 is a Bermuda grass which is the most aggressive grass producing more lateral growth and more stolons than other hybrids.
  • TifSport Bermuda

    TifSport is a newly released hybrid variety selected for tolerance to close mowing, high density and regeneration from activity damage.