TifSport Bermuda


TifSport is a newly released hybrid variety selected for tolerance to close mowing, high density and regeneration from activity damage.

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Texas Florida
SKU: N/A Category:


TifSport is a fine-textured, cold hardy, herbicide tolerant grass. It has a very consistent rich dark green color. TifSport is a hybrid variety of Bermuda grass selected for tolerance to close mowing, turf quality and mole cricket non-preference. It is attractive to turf managers because of its high density and rapid regeneration from activity damage. Morphological Characteristics: Shoot growth (thirty-two days) from 10 cm plugs growing in the greenhouse in October was 10.7 cm tall for TifSport and 20.6 cm and 14.9 cm for Midiron and Tifway, respectively.

Leaf length was 5.6 cm for TifSport compared to 10.7 cm for Midiron and 7.0 cm for Tifway. Leaves of TifSport were narrower (1.2 mm) compared to 2.2 mm for Midiron and 1.4 mm for Tifway. More than five times as many shoots were produced from a 10 cm plug of TifSport (475) compared to 87 from Midiron. In three year old sod mowed weekly at 2.5 cm, internode lengths of horizontal stolons and vertical shoots were shorter for TifSport (1.2 cm and 0.6 cm, respectively) than for Midiron (2.5 cm and 1.0 cm) and Tifway (1.5 cm and .08 cm). TifSport also had shorter and narrower leaves (1.5 cm and 1.2 cm, respectively) than Midiron (2.0 cm and 1.9 cm) and leaves similar to Tifway (1.6 cm and 1.2 cm).

Intended Use: Commercial, Golf, Residential, Sport

Mowing Height: 1/4″ – 1 1/2″

Maintenance & Quality

  • Low Seed Head Formation
  • High Fertilizing Frequency
  • 3 times weekly-Reel Mowing Frequency
  • Fine Leaf Texture
  • Rich Dark Green Color


Drought Tolerance TifSport Bermuda 1
Fall Color Retention TifSport Bermuda 2
Spring Green Up TifSport Bermuda 1
Injury Recovery TifSport Bermuda 2
Salt Tolerance TifSport Bermuda 1
Wear Resistance TifSport Bermuda 2
Weed Resistance TifSport Bermuda 1
Shade Tolerance TifSport Bermuda 8

Insect & Disease Tolerance

Insect Tolerance

Sod Web Worms TifSport Bermuda 9
Chinch Bugs TifSport Bermuda 10
Fall Army Worms TifSport Bermuda 9

Disease Tolerance

Decline Virus TifSport Bermuda 12
Brown Patch TifSport Bermuda 12
Grey Leaf Spot TifSport Bermuda 12


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