Emerald Zoysia


Emerald Zoysi is known as the “Cadillac” of turf and is the most widely used fine textured zoysia in the Southern U.S.

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Texas Florida
SKU: N/A Category:


Emerald zoysia is a fine-textured, dense-growing, dark green Turfgrass. Emerald was released by the USDA and the Georgia Agricultural Station in 1955 and is known as the “Cadillac” of turf. Emerald is very drought and cold tolerant. It is slow to spread, but once established, it crowds out weeds. It is wear resistant to foot traffic. Emerald grows in full sun but also has good shade tolerance.

Intended Use: Commercial, Golf, Residential

Mowing Height: 3/4″ – 2″

Maintenance & Quality

  • Low Seed Head Formation
  • Moderate Fertilizing Frequency
  • 2 times weekly – Reel/1 time weekly – Rotary Mowing Frequency
  • Fine Leaf Texture
  • Dark Green Color


Drought Tolerance Emerald Zoysia 1
Fall Color Retention Emerald Zoysia 2
Spring Green Up Emerald Zoysia 1
Injury Recovery Emerald Zoysia 4
Salt Tolerance Emerald Zoysia 1
Wear Resistance Emerald Zoysia 2
Weed Resistance Emerald Zoysia 1
Shade Tolerance Emerald Zoysia 1

Insect & Disease Tolerance

Insect Tolerance

Sod Web Worms Emerald Zoysia 9
Chinch Bugs Emerald Zoysia 9
Fall Army Worms Emerald Zoysia 9

Disease Tolerance

Decline Virus Emerald Zoysia 9
Brown Patch Emerald Zoysia 9
Grey Leaf Spot Emerald Zoysia 9


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